
ExchangeWire & MINT: Advertising Resource management

ARM is like ERP for the advertising industry: a strategic necessity in orchestrating and automating processes to cut spend and boost impact.

The advertising landscape is more complicated today than it has ever been. Advertisers have been forced to adapt to a changing world, one where they have to juggle infrastructural changes with managing their resources to reach their marketing goals – a feat made more challenging in the current economic landscape.

The need to make assets go further has given rise to a new technological solution: Advertising Resource Management (ARM)....

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News Releases
April 16, 2024
MINT annonce la nomination d’Eric Duchamp, ex-Procter & Gamble et WPP, au poste de Senior Growth Advisor pour poursuivre l’accélération de sa croissance mondiale

Afin d’accélérer sa croissance au niveau mondial, la société a ainsi nommé Eric Duchamp au poste de senior growth advisor Eric Duchamp a bâti son expérience en France et à l’international en travaillant au sein des marques (marketing chez Procter & Gamble), en Agences (Groupe WPP), avec des startups technologiques innovantes, avec des fonds d’investissement (BPI) ou au sein de son propre cabinet de Conseil en Stratégie & Innovation (3Altitude Future Consulting).

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April 3, 2024
Shelley Zalis Joins Mint Advisory Board, Championing Net Zero In Advertising

Mint, a global enterprise software company for advertising resource management (ARM), has announced an addition to its advisory board. Shelley Zalis, founder and CEO of The Female Quotient, will join the board to expand Mint’s mission of supporting brands and enterprise marketers through its AI-powered platform.

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April 2, 2024
How to Maximize the Value of Brand-Agency Partnerships in a Hybrid World

The relationship between advertisers and agencies is changing. The trend of in-housing, where brands internalize some of the tasks traditionally handled by external agencies, has been picking up pace over the past decade.

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April 3, 2024
MINT chiude il 2023 con ricavi a +40% e accelera lo sviluppo internazionale

MINT continua a crescere nel 2023 con un aumento del 40% dei ricavi rispetto all’anno precedente e un incremento del numero dei propri clienti pari al +70%.

Press Releases
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March 28, 2024
MINT Strengthens its Leadership Team with the Appointment of Christoph Kruse as Global Marketing Director

MINT, the leader in Advertising Resource Management (ARM) enterprise-grade software, has announced the appointment of Christoph Kruse as global marketing director as it continues to focus on its market growth strategy in 2024.

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January 25, 2024
Pubblicità, Larini dagli Usa alla guida di Mint: «Obiettivo un miliardo di dollari»

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