
ExchangeWire & MINT: Advertising Resource management

ARM is like ERP for the advertising industry: a strategic necessity in orchestrating and automating processes to cut spend and boost impact.

The advertising landscape is more complicated today than it has ever been. Advertisers have been forced to adapt to a changing world, one where they have to juggle infrastructural changes with managing their resources to reach their marketing goals – a feat made more challenging in the current economic landscape.

The need to make assets go further has given rise to a new technological solution: Advertising Resource Management (ARM)....

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News Releases
June 28, 2024
Tecnologia e Innovazione ai Cannes Lions 2024: Federico Salvitti di MINT Commenta i Sei Trend Principali dell’Ultima Edizione

Federico Salvitti, VP Growth US di MINT, ha condiviso una visione approfondita dei sei trend fondamentali che hanno caratterizzato la kermesse di quest’anno.

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June 26, 2024

The topic of Advertising Governance is the focus of the first episode of "MINT | EYES ON," a new video series produced in partnership with Engage.

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June 12, 2024
Christoph Kruse (MINT): “Le responsabilità stanno cambiando, la creazione di team abilitati dall’intelligenza artificiale è già una delle priorità principali dei CMO”

What future awaits corporate marketers, squeezed as they are between increasing demands for efficiency, shrinking dedicated budgets and the great unknown represented by genAI?

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May 30, 2024
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May 8, 2024
MINT Accelerates US Growth with Key Appointments and New Partnerships, Welcoming Seasoned Strategist Federico Salvitti as VP of Growth

MINT continues to drive U.S. expansion, enabling increased efficiency and better decision-making for brands, agencies and enterprises.

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May 7, 2024
MINT prosegue la sua crescita internazionale e avvia una partnership con 3 Zinnen Dolomiti

MINT ha annunciato una nuova partnership con 3 Zinnen Dolomiti, il comprensorio sciistico in più rapida crescita in Alto Adige. La partnership mira a ottimizzare la gestione delle attività pubblicitarie della destinazione turistica e a supportare l'azienda nell'implementazione di un approccio basato su dati e intelligenza artificiale per tutte le proprie campagne promozionali.

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